In response to the anniversary of the Liberation of Jersey, we created an extract within the Jersey Evening Post to showcase out work to the public, and to allow for an in-depth discussion to occur regarding the impact of the occupation and liberation on Jersey’s residents, it’s scenery, and its history. In order to do this, we forwarded our best work to be included in the newspaper, the following images are the ones I selected from my occupation and liberation project:

This image was inspired by Rafal Milach, and I chose to include this image, as I believe that the symbolism of the children being trapped in a maths object, while being surrounded by bright colours accurately represents the entrapment of those during the occupation, with the danger being so close to home that they were unable to escape and simply had to adapt to their situation as best they could.

I also selected this image based on the bold contrast between the light and dark areas of the book and newspaper, and the harsh studio lighting which documents the image in a realistic yet eye-catching way. I believe this image allows for the viewer to see that the memory of the occupation of Jersey has survived all of these years, and what was once someones life, is now seen as history.

I included this because I believe it is my most powerful image. I believe that this image presents the damage caused to innocent lives by the occupation of Jersey (and WW2 in general), and how it impacted the lives of so many, while those that initially occupied the island were able to continue their lives as normal. I feel like this peice stands out, and therefore I included it.
the newspaper was an amalgamation of all Hautlieu Photography students work, and therefore the work was all compiles and put together into a booklet within the JEP. The final result of the paper can be seen below:

Overall, I believe the newspaper was a success. It has allowed for our class to come together and share our experiences studying and learning about the liberation and occupation of Jersey, and also brings the subject to light for the public, who are able to view the outcomes of our study through the images, which themselves present a structures, sequences story of the occupation and liberation of Jersey.