Mounting Ideas and project conclusion


Here are some proposals for ways in which I could exhibit and present my final images:


To evaluate my occupation project overall I believe it was a success and that I have been able to produce strong imagery and responses to tasks along with detailed image analysis’s that have explored the technical, contextual and conceptual elements of those images. I believe my strongest work in the occupation project was the bunker photography. This is because I found it the most interesting and therefore was able to give a lot more thought into it and produce some high quality images such as the ones portrayed alongside my still-life images that are mounted up in my portfolio folder. These images I feel could have been improved further by having carried out a second photoshoot on the bunkers or others similar, that I could’ve experimented on and captured further images which would have had been a lot more revised and contained a greater attention to detail and complexity. Having said this I still believe my work in this area was very strong and inputs significantly into the overall outcomes of the project.

To evaluate my personal study, overall I believe that it was highly successful in what I was trying to capture and the message I was trying to portray along with that. I believe the quality of my images was kept to a consistently high level and that all my shoots were methodical, and well carried out. I believe a finished photo-book was the best way to present the final outcomes, due to the large amount of sequencing involved and pairing between some of the images alongside the appropriately fitted and relevant quotes from the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”. One way I could have improved this project was by creating a plan to and photographing objects that my subject “Max” posseses which relate to the theme of extravagance and wealth and the contradiction this has to the stereotypical polish immigrant workers here in Jersey. This alongside the already captured images may have just added some further depth and detail to the overall portfolio and made my work slightly more interesting. Again, having said this I believe overall the the project was a significant success and had captured all of my aims and intentions in the final outcomes.

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