Final images from book
I decided to mount my images in this way to mimic pictures out of my book. one of the images I included in my book was the same as the first image. I liked it a lot so I decided to do the same concept but larger and have the images staged on foam board to add levels and make it more interesting. The second image is inspired by one of the pages of Yoshikatsu Fujii’s ‘Red String’ in which he has on image going across the two halves of the book with each of his parents either side. Overall I am happy with how these turned out and I feel like they represent the contents of my book very well.
Final coursework Images
Final Layout:

I chose these images as i thought they best represented the work we have done since September, as it includes portraits, the bunker landscapes and the occupation objects. I decided to collage them to bring all the areas of study together and to unite the story of the occupation. If I could do this project again, I’d like to interview more occupation survivors and take their pictures, or get them to re-visit places where they grew up or bunkers.