In conclusion I believe that my outcome was relatively successful, particularly from a contextual standpoint as I felt I was allowed to explore various facets of abstraction in depth.

I feel however that I could’ve explored visual aspects of abstraction further detail to better explore my initial question. Additionally I could’ve made the secondary intent of the book (the exploration of eastern European slave labor used in the construction of Jersey’s defenses) more explicit as the only relation besides from the less apparent link to the subject matter is the title ‘Zawody’, meaning occupations in the context of professions as a loose play on words on the ‘Occupation and Liberation’ title. While the title does roughly establish the underlying theme of the book, some more explicit historical context would be welcomed in order to better propagate the intended interpretation to the reader.

Had I been certain of my paper and editing choices upon shooting, I would have shot my images using a higher ISO since despite the paper choice amplifying grain to an extent, it consequently makes it appear more as a creative choice than a camera defect or a result of poor foresight while shooting.

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