Overall I am pleased with the out come of my project based on the topic of ‘Occupation and Liberation’, luckily when given the topic it allowed for a wide choice of options and therefore a variety of pathways that I could elaborate on and develop my ideas around. When beginning this project is was important to base my project around something that I am passionate about and show an interest in; therefore I chose the liberation part of the title and selecting dancing as an area to investigate in terms of the idea of developing the idea of feeling liberated. Initially I thought it would be difficult to produce a number of decent photoshoot that would help aid the overall narrative of my project, however when creating and brain storming I managed to form five photoshoots. On the other hand, although I produced enough images the overall quality I was not pleased with as I felt I could have produced and developed more creative ideas and responses providing a more intricate narrative. Initially I was going to focus the project on myself however I knew I would begin to struggle to grasp a large amount of images this is where I came up with the idea of using other dancers to project my own story; this would allow for a different point of view and understanding. I ended up using three different dancers who each had a different type of opinion on why they dance and what dance means to them ; this helped create a contextual and conceptual point for my project. In terms of the type of style my book follows it ahas a documentary style as it follows the development and growth of three dancers as well as the narrative that comes along with it.

In addition, the five photoshoot produced fair photos however I believe there to be room for improvement and to develop my initial concepts and ideas. All my photos are in a variety of filter, black and white as well as some colour images, to me this helps aid the narrative. I had Healy edited my images inspired by Gjon Mili to help show the idea of a whole movement in one image. However to improve next time I would add more photoshoots which would allow more photo options for editing. The project itself has shown me how to fully express different types of emotions through photography and how this can help show the narrative and documentary style through the portal of emotions. It has allowed me to understand and develop my passion for dancing. For my final outcomes, the image display on my framing boards were in three, as I used three dancers so each image would be representative of each individual; overall I was happy with my display. To conclude, for my book final I was happy with the display and the narrative that it told, however if I was to redo my project I would produce more creative photoshoot that would elaborate my points and create amore abstract appearance and conceptual understanding. Furthermore, through producing and writing my essay it helped me understand Gjon Mili’s work even more therefore letting me develop and edit my final images with a more overall complete understadning.

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