I decided that i want to start with simple photo shoot ideas and work my way up towards the more complicated shoots. So i decided to start of with photographing a rotting fruit over time as to represent the idea of young vs old in expression to the topic of change vs stability.
I started by looking at artists that did the similar idea to what i have in mind to help me generate even more ideas. In order to expand my project on an even higher level.

I found this photograph on google images which i believe is 6 different similar apples that are at different stages off the rotting process, then they were set next to each other with a black back ground and photographed as a still life.
So what i will do is instead of photographing different apples i will just photograph the same apple once everyday, i will place the apple in a place were it will be fine to rot (ie. garage) and then i will place it against a white or black background and photograph it from the same position every night at 9pm using the same camera settings and light set up, then i will combine my photographs in Photoshop cc and present my final image.