Initial development:
After completing my five photoshoots (baby photos, school studio, photography studio, detail shot, studio room) I have now cut down my images to a minimal amount that have all be edited and cropped to create the best outcome in terms of coming together in my photo book therefore benefiting the overall narrative. I opened up light room and selected the selection of images from my collection that were for my phonebook and began editing the photo book; keeping in the mind the over narrative that I am trying to represent. I started to experiment with all the images and pages with different sized images, colour and layouts. I then began adjusting and moving around the image to create the best order possible that would help provide the best story an narrative possible.
Overall when experimenting I tried:
- different types of layouts
- different formats
- different book sizes
- different order of images
- different narrative approaches
- the construction
- book title
- layout of essay
I experimented with all these different types of layouts and formats at would allow be to produce and create rah best possible layout of my book which would aid the overall narrative of the book at the end. bellow are screenshots of my work in Lightroom and the type of experimental process I went through in order to decide on the final appearance of my book.