As well as creating my phonebook I printed out a variety of my best images to begin displaying in a creative way that will be different to my photo book essentially offering a different narrative and type of forum overall. Firstly I am going to explore the different techniques that can be used to display my images. I have inserted below a demonstration of different forms of layout that are possible to display my images, when doing this it is essential to consider which types of images go with what and what photos do not go together. I began by investigating what different types of layouts of photos create different types of meanings and different types of overall narratives. Furthermore I am going to trials laying out my photos using foam board, window mounts, as some of my photos may be more appropriate by themselves opposed to all together.

I began by placing the images on top of the board in order to help me decide on my final display.

Final display 1:
For this dimply I cut down the original black board and created a long and thin display with the images going down and the colour image in the middle to help contrast with the two outer images all relating to parts of the body which I believe to go well together, hopefully reflecting a subjective emotion for each viewer and therefore creating a narrative which is evidently the main goals; as well as this producing a clear display of my ‘best’ work.

Final display 2:
For my final display I used my three images of the dancer inspired by Gjon Mili as they fit well together and each image is slightly different and therefore gives of a slightly different emotion therefore creating a slight narrative as well as reflecting the different types of emotions and feelings that go into being a dancer; some might always be apparent and is subjective to each viewer creating individual narrative and overall different perspectives