This was my book final and this is the link below to the PDF version of the book.
The way I have designed it is in chronological order.
Starting right from the front cover I have chosen to use a picture of my whole family including me, my brother, mum and dad. I have also chosen to use this childlike scribble over each picture to show and underline that this book is about my childhood and will reflect that within the pictures. The book I have chosen to call ” Casos Encerrados” which actually translates too ‘closed cases” which is used to reflect their marriage. Then right from the beginning of the book I have used one of the oldest archival images of my parents. This was actually taken on the day of my christening so very early on to their marriage. As we move further into the book across this double page spread I have used 2 archival images of my parents as children. The left is my mum and on the right is my dad. These pictures show childhood and underline this feeling of innocence that each of individual had at that time. These images are important to me as it shows a beginning of two people who knew each other through mutual friends and family who eventually became like best friends.
My book also has some images of places and things that are significant. The image of the house is important and I felt like it had to be included because it was my parents first home in Madeira and it was actually constructed by my dad and a few of his mates. Despite not being able to find an image of the house being built I found this and decided to include 2 versions one in colour and the other in black and white. One of the images is upside down and I have chosen to do this to incorporate the idea that everything sort of went downhill from the moment my parents decided to get divorced. Although there are worse cases to me and my brother who is now 10 but was only 4/5 at the time it turned our lives upside with little to no time to adjust. I have then added images of my brother who was born when I was about 7 so I wanted to add images of him after a good few pages into the book.
Towards the last 6 pages of my photo book I have used photoshop to cut out myself o one of the image which I took inspiration from Diana Markoisan’s example from her project. Moving on I have another image of my parents with that pen overlay to create that sense of innocence from the time these images were taken. The rings I chose to photograph as they were a gift from my dad to my mother in the 17/18 years they were together. Then I have chosen to include one photo taken from my half brothers christening with my dads new girlfiend . Finally for the second last page I chose to crop one of the images I had used before and create that split in the middle of the page to incorporate their divorce followed by the image of the official papers with their agreements.