Final Prints

Final Print Display

For my final print display, I wanted to use a ‘mounting’ technique to display all four images on one large spread. The images will be printed in A4. I think using the A4 size will allow for all the images to be seen clearly and for there to be no unintended blurring. I also think that having all the images the same size will add to the aesthetic of simplicity which was carried throughout my photo book. Pairing all the images together will be a good idea as the images are linked through style and have enough resemblance to be seen as a group. After experimenting with how the images should be positioned, I decided to go with having the two costume images opposite each other diagonally, with the trophy and ballet shoes diagonally the other direction. I think this will showcase the narrative clearly as the trophy positioned next to the silver costume goes together for a narrative, where as the ballet shoes and the blue costume are also related. This design is also not too complicated so still adds to the simplistic aesthetic. I personally like this selection as the images compliment each other and I enjoy the simplistic composition.

Carrying on, the images produced are on a black piece of card which will be cut out with boarders to show the images in a creative manner. This is called mounting and I think the design allows a successful display on my photographs, with the white boarders separating the images well.


To evaluate, I believe I have successfully selected some of my strongest imagery within my project and have creatively experimented with displaying my photographs within different methods. The display can be seen to be very simple, showing I have thought about any design as it matches my photographic book. I have shown the ability to display ‘like’ images together to compliment and create a strong narrative. I have therefore successfully displayed my photographs and am happy with my outcome.

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