final mounted images

The final idea for mounting my final images was to use a small slat of woof then hang my images off of it. I wanted to create this because if hung in a free standing space, the images turn if someone walks past or there is a draft. I wanted this effect to reflect the constant repetitive cycle that mental health causes and how easy it easy to keep following this path of going round and round.

Rough sketch of final outcome

I created this mobile by piercing 3 holes for my main large prints which are mounted on foam board, then marked out where hung images would fill in the gaps. For my double sided main prints I threaded their string vertically so that the prints were reliant on the knots within the string, and the small Polaroids’ thread was looped around the wood. All knots and ties were left untrimmed to continue my theme of handmade and delicacy. Overall I am happy with my final outcome however the images on my foam board aren’t cut exactly so a few imperfect edges.

One thought on “final mounted images”

  1. Very creative presentation!

    Missing blog posts:
    final book layout + evaluation
    Final essay, incl references, bibliography and illustrations
    Other blog posts as identified earlier in tracking sheet

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