The word tableau is defined by The Oxford English Dictionary as, “a picture; a picturesque or graphic description,” and the word “vivant” is derived from the Latin word meaning “living.”

Tableux vivants originated in the medieval era. Actors would re-enact famous bible scenes during mass, this then evolved into actors creating live versions of famous paintings during the Renaissance era. These actors reacted paintings of Greuze, David and Isabey. Tableux viviant acting was also popular at weddings and other events. Tableux viviants became less popular in the early 19th century due to the realism movement. However, in the 20th century, actresses re-enacted nude classic paintings but then tableaux started to die out because of the invention of film, however, became popular within photography. In terms of photography, Jean-Francois Chevrier as the first to use tableaux in association which was during the 1970’s and 80’s. Photographer’s then began replicating famous paintings in constructing new meanings. Previously in my coursework, I studied Tableux viviants and reconstructed fairy tales with modern day twists. The difference with this project is that I won’t be doing it with real people but with dolls and doll house sets.
The Manniquin Challenge
The Mannequin Challenge was a viral internet trend that became popular in November 2016. It was a challenge where people would set up a scene and remain frozen whilst moving the camera films. The song “Black Beatles” by Rae Sremmurd often playing in the background. It was a new form of tableaux viviant and became a trend causing thousands to get involved. Before film and camera killed tabeleaux viviant and made it unpopular and now it’s being used to explore it in a whole new way.