Photobook Experimentation

Initial Development:

Initially I began developing my photo-book by setting out my two stories that I have chosen to display, I began working forwards from the front and then backwards towards the middle with my last photograph, this helped me be able to see them beginning to join together rather than put one in and then another, going from both the front and back helped me personally merge them easier and also helped as I had previously began to choose out my narratives. I have decided to use a mixer of double page spreads and individual images to break up the narratives and help to create a flow.

Narrative Beginnings:

As I have two stories I had to find a way in which to show the beginning of my stories, I chose to do this with a centred photograph and a small caption underneath, I didn’t do any other photographs with this writing and positioning combination as to have them stand out and be noticeable from my other page spreads. For my first story I chose to use an archival image for my starting photograph, this is because the sight itself has a lot of tourism and history around it, the story brought a lot of news and tales so there was a lot of content which I found interesting, I personally chose to use a postcard looking directly through the Devil’s Hole cave, I chose this photograph as I feel it fitting for the beginning of a tale as it looks through into the story like a walkway. For my second story I began trying to also use an archival image to match and connect with the previous one, I decided against this as the sight I had visited for the shoot was badly excavated the first time so was no good documentation of the sight, I eventually chose to use one of my own photographs I had taken on sight which I did not plan to use in my narrative however I felt was one of my strongest photographs, the collection of hands which high contrast and bright intense colours stand out and the jarring angles work to entice and suggest the outer worldly sense of something abnormal.

Page Layout Experiments:

Setting out my photographs I found my narrative working best with a mixture of double page spread and individual photographs, I began to experiment and trial having my photographs in three quarter spreads as well, this is due to some of my photographs being I feel stronger when large however had an important figure going through the seam which would not work so I worked with three-quarter spreads instead as I feel this gave off a better effect than the smaller photographs but solved the issue I was having with double page spreads. Any double page spreads I did create I chose to do with my landscape photographs, this is because there was no disruption due to the seam and they worked well in breaking up the narrative to help make the narrative and the story flow better. I chose to go through with a flow of every double page or three page spreads I have a full bleed photograph to create a narrative and a good sequence ing of my photographs which I feel worked better than just having one or two double page full bleeds throughout my book.

Physical Photograph Use:

As I had worked on a disposable camera for some of my project I felt I wanted to find a way to incorporate them into my photo-book, I plan to by some photo-corners and stick them in once I finally have my photo-book printed as I feel this will present them nicely while still having the effect of the physical photographs. I began trailing and experimenting with which photographs I wanted to have a physical and which as digital images printed in the photographs. I began trialing this with some images that I had side by side and was using together. I eventually decided on keeping these as digital photographs as I didn’t want to overload my photo-book and I feel that they worked better with two digitally as I could get them aligned directly. I chose to use the photographs I was going to place individually physically as I feel it will be more impactful not the narrative and the book as a whole.

I plan on inserting strip of my negative films into the photo-book right at the very end for a personal touch and effect, I plan to only insert one strip with my best or most important photographs on. I feel this adds a good effect from the narrative of my photo-book as it is showing a sense of the taking of the photographs and the idea of these beings being in the island and the occupation they have on the island as a whole and them being real and here.

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