Below are screenshots of each page spread of my final book design entitled ‘Mr Ronald Welling and Mrs Welling’. As mentioned in my development blog post the title came about to show dominance and authority of my Grandad, Ron, through the formality of the title which can also suggest his business side. The photograph on the dust jacket is from their wedding day, suggesting the ideology of religion, family and happiness beginning the ameliorative mood of the overall photo book. My final book design can be viewed below:

‘Mr Ronald Welling and Mrs Welling’ is my photographic book which portrays the narrative of the occupation of lifestyle on my Grandparents, and how their upbringing in the 1940’s reflects their lifestyle in the modern day. The book includes mainly portraits of the two subject which shows intimacy, religion, family structure, authority and aspects of relationship which all cast the same underlying theme of lifestyle. In a sense the sequencing of the photographs are broken into three sections which are not explicitly sections. The first section establishes the couple, their relationship and the ideology of my Grandad being the provider for his wife and having the authority over her, this is presented through portraits inspired by Walker Evans, LaToya Ruby Frazier and some of my own artistic influence to compose the photograph. Within this section I have used archival imagery to present a compassion of their lifestyle when they were younger and present day allowing a more reliable reflection of their lifestyle. In addition, I decided to include one interior and exterior photograph which begins to reinforce the luxurious lifestyle they live through a new subject, reinforcing the ideologies of my project. The second section looks at family events and how my Grandparent’s lifestyle adapts, reflects and compares to my lifestyle. These photographs follow a family photograph style capturing the highlights of the religious event ‘Christmas’. The interaction between my Grandparents and my family, illustrate their lifestyle clearly at a major event. In the final section I mainly focus on the interior and exterior of their house through mainly landscape imagery. I also use more portraits to show my Grandad’s relationship with the specific rooms, creating semantics towards the imagery and reinforcing the idea of intimacy. For the majority of the time I have stuck to having just one image for two pages, using a single, 3/4 or double page spread. However, I have used up to two photographs over two pages if I need to emphasise a certain point. The photo book itself is a Standard Portrait, 20×25 cm. My pages will be white and printed on premium matte paper, as it makes the book seem like an official file. As stated above I will be using a dust jacket, meaning the actual hardcover of the book has not been designed. I intend to use a fabricated cover, subtle cover, as many family photographic books at the time they were raised was often this material, thus making it relevant and appropriate to use. The essay found at the end of my photo book explore the extent to which we can trust documentary photography to reflect reality, which follows the same path as the images found in my book. This presents viewers with the question of how accurately my images reflect my Grandparents lifestyle, adding a more academic response to the book. The essay includes photographs of artists work as well as my response to their work showing exploration and understanding of key theories within photography. To conclude, I believe the sequencing displayed above clearly illustrates my intended narrative which compliments my essay in response to my hypothesis. This well thought out design has gone through many experimentation and development in order to make the images powerful in the message they present as well as having a clear narrative which flows smoothly because of my sequencing of my photographs.