Final layout of photo book:

Front Cover:

For the front cover of my photo book I selected the only ‘in colour’, mostly unedited image incorporated into the book. The cover contrasts with the images inside, yet the themes bright colours in the cover are reflected in the images and the relationship between the blue and red follows on with the concept of the different coloured, more abtract full bleed image throughout the book. I have selected the title ‘Understated’ as an oxymoron to the actual images, as they are bold and overstated. The term understated relates to the content of the book as the theme throughout is simple, abstracted portraits and still life images depicting how me and my friends go through life together, and the ideas and concepts that bring us together.
Main Images:

The main layout inside the book is stark, bright images on black paper to enhance the compositions. There are a combination of double page spreads, single photos and two photos on a double page spread, which each work to frame and marry together the key concepts and ideas of the book and the photos.
Dividing Images:

An addition theme to my photo book is the incorporation of a series of linked, colour contrasting full bleed images throughout the book. This helps break up the colour scheme of the book and adds a different perspective to the images.