Disposable Camera shoot and outcomes

While out at the Dolmens I brought with me a disposable camera as an extra piece of equipment to take my photographs on. Using this camera meant that I would not be able to see the outcome of the photographs until I got them developed which was tricky for me as I had one chance with each photograph as I couldn’t delete any and try again.

Over the course of the photoshoot as I used my regular camera I took photographs on the disposable one to have my photographs with a different effect and look.

Some photographs I found that did not work on the digital camera worked better and became useful outcomes on the physical photographs which I will go onto attempt to use in my photo-book, I found some photographs did not work at all which I will not continue to attempt to use however these outcomes from the shooting on the disposable camera were more successful than I first thought they were going to be as I could not see the photographs until they were printed. I plan to make some of them digital copies to use.

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