The book is a soft back with, 161 pages of images telling a story. This book is about a German solider and a women from Jersey falling in love during the occupation, which was a very risky thing to do, meaning they had to keep it one the down low, to make sure no one would find out, otherwise consequences would’ve been big.

The layout of the images change from page to page, which makes the book more interesting to look through. Some of the images within the book were taken back during the occupation period and some are more up-to-date, you can see this through the change in quality, focus and layout. This is similar to what it want to present and has given me new ideas on how to layout my images. He also used documents and other objects that can relate to the two individuals, which allows the reader to get a better understanding of the couple and their life they had to live.

Hey Francesca,
There is no evidence on the blog that you have posted any work since mid-January, or during h-term.
We are assessing your work right now and writing reports and can only go by evidence of work. Tomorrow we begin exam prep and the final deadline for any improvements to CW is Mon 9 March.
Missing blog posts:
Final book layout + evaluation
Final prints + evaluation + mounting
Final essay, incl references, bibliography and illustrations
Other blog posts as identified earlier in tracking sheet
Compile all CW prints into one black folder with labels and put in storage