Personal project-Secondary data (interviews)


I went to Jordan over Christmas for a couple of days and collected some data by interviewing some people about my personal project. I did the interviews as one to one interviews sitting down with a notebook in my hand and i asked them the questions i planned to ask them on my planner and recorded their answers. And i’m going to put out my results on this blog post down below.

Hamzah Al-Jazi

Hamzah is Mashhoor’s Grand son also the son of Abu Ali, after asking his permission to interview him about Mashoor i collected these answers from him down below.

-How many years do you remember with him?

“he died when i was only 12 years old so only about since i was 6.” said Hamzah.

– How did his death affect you?

“I was only young when he was in my life but yet i still have felt like there is something missing from my life since the day i died.” He said

– Is there any personal stories you want to share about him?

“One of the very few things i remember still of when i was that young was when he took me hunting with him on the weekends and he’d always make a perfect shot” He said

-How would you describe Mashhoor in one sentence?

” He was a man of power and pride who a lot of people will always remember.” Hamza Stated.

– Are you proud of your family history because of Mashhoor’s accomplishments?

“if their was something that made me who i am today then its Mashhoor’s accomplishments and i’m very proud of that.”

Wael Mattar

Wael was Mashhoor’s best friend in the old days, i went to his home and interviewed him over a cup off coffee and down below is his answered that i recorded.

For how long did you know Mashhooor?

“i met mashhoor when i was only 16 years old in the neighborhood” said Wael.

Did you have any accomplishments with him?

“i used to be Mashhoors first officer in Al Karamah battle and i was his right hand during all the battle.” He said.

Does knowing the fact that Mashhoor was your friend make you proud?

“Yes in fact i still believe the luckiest thing that ever happened to me was when i met him he changed my whole life forever” said Wael.

How often did you used to see him?

“It varied a lot but i used to see him everyday during times of battle as i had to always be by his side” He said.

What did you do when you where with him?

“We used to play soccer together as teenagers, then we used to work together at times of war” He stated.

How would you describe Mashhoor in one phrase?

“A man of pride and loyalty” phrased Wael.

Eman Mattar

Eman is Abu Ali’s wife, so i went to her house and interviewed her about Mashhoor and recorded her answers to my question down below:

How close where you to Mashhoor?

“Mashhoor was my father in law so i saw a lot of him and we were really close, he treated me as his own daughter.” Said Eman

Since your the closest one to Abu Ali how would you describe Abu Ali’s condition was when Mashhoor died?

“Abu Ali was a really strong person who didn’t show much emotion except for when hes falling asleep, even if he had any problems or depressing situations no one would be able to tell as he always puts a smile on his face, but i could tell how he may have seemed alright to everyone when his father died but i knew he wasn’t the same anymore, he always seemed a bit lost. Stated Eman


In conclusion these interviews and answers are going to help me a lot in my project as i have a bigger picture of the story and i have more answers now. I will now be using this data i collected as a guide to what i should include in my project.

One thought on “Personal project-Secondary data (interviews)”

  1. This is good work, Talal. Use these Q&A to structure your book and build a set of images around them. The key to your personal study is your grandad and his influence on you and your family. Use your self-portraits in military uniforms as responses. Do you have any old photos of your grandad in uniforms?

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