Now and then
Artists – Toroptsov, Chris Dorley-Brown
How have artists such as Toroptsov shown memory and remembrance through their use of photography?
How have bunker landscapes changed over the years since the occupation?
Topic focus:
liberation, Family, immigration, relationships, history
Possible questions:
Bibliography: Simon Morley (2010), THE SUBLIME, London: Whitechapel Gallery
Critic Simon Morley discusses: “The sublime experience is fundamentally transformative, about the relationship between disorder and order, and the disruption of the stable coordinates of time and space” (Morley 2010:12).
Bright, S. and Van Erp, h.(2019), Photography Decoded. London: Octopus Publishing House
New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/editorial-standards/guidelines-on-integrity.html , date accessed: 12:18 11/12/2019
After analyzing various artists, I have drawn a lot of inspiration from Jeff wall. I personally really like his approach to tableaux photography and his ability to capture a moment by reconstructing it in a live setting, as well as his attention to detail. I am particularly inspired by his image “Milk” due to the display of emotion that Wall has been able to capture. The idea of the erupting milk carton has inspired me to reproduce images in this style, utilizing various objects to use as a representation of a metaphor of inner emotion. The explosion of the milk carton can be seen as an explosion of inner anger and frustration. I want to portray inner emotion through the use of inanimate objects to show feelings of Occupation Vs Liberation within a person in terms of how they feel mentally.
I would like to photograph my subjects in environments where they may be experiencing these emotions, such as out partying, feeling a sense of freedom and liberty, or behind closed doors, feeling occupied by their own minds. I would plan out every element of my shoots, such as time of day, outfit of my subject and their exact body positioning and facial expression, reflective of Walls highly meticulous tableaux shoots. I therefore intend to create work inspired by Walls tableaux approach to portraiture and I would like to incorporate the themes seen in “Milk” as I find them very intriguing and a great way of portraying a story.
When discussing my idea of belonging, I wanted to explore the internal feeling that’s hidden on a daily base. These are images I took just under a year ago but through developing this personal study I thought it was more relevant and conveyed the correct message. It also reflects my progression since then meaning i’m going to follow this shoot up with a recent state of mind in where I am now.