Ariko Inaoka is a Japanese photographer who photographed two Icelandic twins for 5 years. Inaoka believes that the twins have a telelpathic connections as they are always together, never fight with eachother and claims that she has never seen such a powerful connection between two individuals. One quote that she got from the twins which Inaoka says they tell her a lot is that "We dream the same dreams sometimes". Dreams are individual and unique to every person, it is often the peak of people's imagination as their mind is allowed to freely flow. By having the same dreams indicates an intense connection between the two, leading the mind to imagine that maybe they do have a telepathic connection. A good website for images is the Guardian:
I believe that the eyes drawn on their heads is to connote the ‘third eye’ and Inaoka is trying to make the readers think that they have an ethereal connection aswell as a telepathic bond.
Inaoka uses a pictorialist approach to her photographs, making the images hazy and dream like. I think that Inaoka considers the twins claim that they dream the same dreams sometimes and tries to replicate some of them. I want to use some of Inaoka's techniques in my personal study to portray the intense connection my sisters have. Although they are very different in many ways, they're also extrememly similar and have an unique connection. I will increase the haze whilst manipulating my images to create a pictorialist approach and I also want to use the idea of drawing a third eye on their heads to replicate their telepathic connection.