case study sian davey

In this blog post I will be researching and exploring the work of Sian Davey, in particular, her project 'Martha'. What I believe I will take from researching Davey's work is how to capture moments in time and how to photograph people from a different perspective. She also happens to feature twins in her project which will give me ideas on how to capture them both as a collective whilst showing their individuality.

A useful website is: 

It features Daveys talking about why she started this project and also features a lot of images from the project.
This is the image called twins. Although you can tell that the two girls do look similar, I think that Daveys has been able to capture their individuality and show that twins are separate people with separate identities. These two girls do resemble my twin sisters personalities, Scarlett is a lot more like the twin on the lest, tomboyish with her hair down a lot, her expression makes me believe that this girl is strong willed and outgoing as she is boldly staring into the lens which is what Scarlett is like as she is very extroverted. Phoebe represents the twin on the right, her hair is constantly in plaits, and her looking away from the lens makes me believe she is more introverted which is also like Phoebe as she can sometimes be a bit shy towards new people she meets. 
This image is called prom. I really like the depth of field used in this image as although it focuses on the girls doing their makeup in the background, the blurriness of the girl at the front creates a sort of pictorialism feel to the image. I also feel like this image resonates with my sisters because Phoebe loves makeup and doing it on both herself and others. Scarlett isn't very good at makeup and often goes to Phoebe to have her do it for her. The makeup in this image is very simplistic and natural which is often what Phoebe and Scarlett go for as they are only thirteen, still children but starting to grow up. This image also gives me inspiration for my own photoshoots because although this activity is just a day to day activity, it is very intimate and requires the trust of others to alter your appearence and enhance your beauty.
This image will be another image that I will take inspiration from. Me and my family are about to go on holiday to Bali, and we are right by the sea so we will be swimming a lot. Whenever we are on holiday my sisters are always in and out og the water so are constantly lounging about in towels. Although we won't be in a similar environment to this image, I can have my own twist on this image. I like the intimacy in this picture as the girls are very exposed but look so comfortable around eachother. As my twin sisters have such a strong bond, they are very comfortable around themselves so I feel an image similar to this will be able to demonstrate their unique connection and relationship to eachother. 

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