Narrative and Sequencing For My Zine

Mood Board:

All Images from Google Images


For this zine, I wanted to portray the relations towards the people and objects. I wanted to show how the objects could’ve been used and who could’ve been using them. To show this I paired images of people from archival sources (Société Jersiaise and the Jersey Archives) and images I took of WW2 objects. I wanted to show the occupation and liberation of the people of Jersey through the relationship of the people and objects, and I wanted to pair the images together such as an old radio with a archival image of German soldiers using a radio. I will show this narrative and context with the layout of my zine, also I will show the narrative between the person and object with my layout design.


For this zine, I want to match the colours of the background of my WW2 object images with the back and front page of my zine. I also want to keep the theme of my zine quite simple as I want the images to stand out and have an impact on the person viewing my zine. One section of my zine will be the black and white images from the Jersey Archives mixed with the black and white images of the WW2 objects and the other section with be the photos of the WW2 objects with the coloured background. I want the title of the zine to be translated into German to link with the German occupation. I want to coordinate the colours with the images to create an aesthetic for my zine.

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