Photography Decoded


Bright S and Van Erp H (2019)- Photography Decoded. London: Octopus Publishing House, Quotes.

Bright and Van Erp 2019:18- The process of manipulation starts as soon as we frame a person, a landscape, an object or a scene with our cameras.”

Bright and Van Erp 2019:17- From Daguerre’s age to ours, photography has undergone a transformation, not only technologically but conceptually.”

Bright and Van Erp 2019:17- ” If manipulation is the first thing someone thinks of in connection to photography, what does that say about the value of photography as a reflection of reality?”

Bright and Van Erp 2019:20- “Does a photograph need a camera in order to be defined as one?”

Bright and Van Erp 2019:18- “Documentary and news imagery may seem the most realistic genres in photography, but their realism means nothing independently of how news media apply their ethical codes.”

Bright and Van Erp 2019:19- “What are the differences between reality, witness and point of view?”

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