• HOUSING CRISIS: A topic which I am highly interested in and am willing to explore is the housing crisis which affects a large population of Jersey. Not only the immigrants but young people and the elderly all face institutional discrimination which makes it extremely difficult to get on the property ladder or be able to find housing in Jersey. There is an extreme lack of affordable housing for low income families and young people alike, who start out on the bottom earning minimum wage at the start of their careers.
  • NOSTALGIA: with the use of film, an older method of photography, I am hoping to capture images that capture a nostalgic and reminiscing feel. The fuzziness and grain which can be captured using this flash provokes ideas of the old and outdated, much like the housing in Jersey, lacking houses and slats which are safe and regulated for people to live in.
  • CONTROL: the lack of control within the Jersey housing market means that landlords are able to set prices ad regulate the market as they please, often providing overpriced and unsuitable living conditions for the families which will be moving there. A large part of this study is to highlight an area of Jersey life which impacts the lower and working class which suffer as a consequence of politicians and the rich.


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