• OCCUPATION/IMMIGRATION: tying in with the key word of the project occupation, a topic which is relevant to me and for a majority of first generation Jersey born people is immigration. Facing hardships due to their parents status which prevents them from accessing many aspects of service in Jersey.
  • HOUSING: exploring the different living conditions of the working class people in Jersey and how their status influences the type of property that they can access. Unqualified is a word which I am interested to explore as it taints immigrants as uneducated and unskilled through the simple use of this label.
  • NOSTALGIA/FILM: in terms of the visual presentation of my images, I will be exploring the use of film and how the visual aspects of it influence the way we view the images and the feelings which they evoke.
  • DISCRIMINATION/SHAME: the living conditions of some immigrants in Jersey is very clearly below the standard of what it should be therefore bringing shame to the people who have no other choice and have to endure conditions like these.


  • In what way does Nick Hedges portray a sense of state discrimination and hopelessness through his monochromatic imagery?
  • To what extent does Michelle Sank use realism in order to portray the reality of working class life?
  • To what extent is documentary photography effective in capturing the shame witch comes with the immigrant population of Jersey?
  • How do photographers Maciej Dakowicz, Theo Gosselin and Mike Brodie represent different communities in their work?

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