Invisible Hands Exhibition

We went to visit the ‘Invisible Hands’ exhibition in the Jersey Arts Center. It is a series of photographs about the potato farming industry produced from the perspective of the workers themselves; all of the photos in this exhibition have been taken by them. This exhibition has a high significance as seasonal farming work has been an important part of the Jersey economy for over 150 years, yet their presence is mostly undocumented, limited to staged photographs by local media or marketing photos.

Through this the exhibition urges farmers to provide better living and working conditions for Polish and other immigrants working in their farms. One worker says ‘We work very long hours, sometimes 12 hours and sometimes longer than 12 hours, regardless of the weather – whether there is rain or a cold wind, we are still working, and sometimes we work on Sunday, which is not great for everybody.’ They work in very poor conditions for long hours all for minimum salary

As a result of this the project includes a list of eight requests to improve working conditions for Polish migrants, as shown in the below photo. Those eight points (requests made by the workers presented in the art project and displayed in the exhibition) include reforms to the health and social security system that currently mean workers are not eligible for benefits until they have been in the Island for six months, and improvements in living conditions and wages for those undertaking the most difficult jobs.

To add an artistic element to the list; the eight points have been written by an automated arm as shown below.

Personal Investigation – Historical Context

My personal investigation looks at my grandparent’s lifestyle and how it has been influenced by the time period they grew up in, the 1940’s. I have explored the influence of religion and spirituality, gender roles within the family structure and social norms during this time period which are still present in their lifestyle to this day. Appropriately, I chose the art movement of realism to influence the stylistic features of my imagery to create the narrative of my grandparent’s life style. Realism photography looks at documentary photography and photojournalism to capture life how it is, whilst occasionally raising social and cultural issues. With my topic being based in my grandparent’s lifestyle, I felt that using documentary photography would be the most appropriate to showcase this, thus drawing connections with realism. Moreover, my work is aimes to look at social norms and family structure, such as the wife being a housewife whilst the husband provides for the family, which illuminates social issues which still subtly influence today’s society.

Image from: Walker Evans – “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men’

The art movement of realism and straight photography looks at creating imagery which showcase life how it is. The movement emerged in the 1840’s, which retaliated against pictorialism which suggests photographs have to look like a drawing or painting. Artists who work within this area look at raising social and cultural issues relevant within society at that time, in order to make the audience aware of this issue in hope something can be done to make a change, which presents the convention of social reform. This area looks at documentary photography and photojournalism to document the events which are occurring. Within this art movement artists stick to the original techniques of photography, the use of photography for science, to create detailed, sharp images showcasing real life.

Image from: Walker Evans – “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men’

Walker Evans is a key photographer who has influenced my investigation through his ‘Let Us Now Praise Famous Men’ photographic series. In this he aims to document the lives of sharecropping families, those who are forced into labour which involves them having to look after the land and in return they gain a share of the crops produced on their portion of land. His work falls into the movement of realism, as the series produces imagery which showcase the families’ lives as well as drawing cultural issues at the time, with strong political views being produced from Evan. In addition, his work looks at capturing lifestyle, which is similar to my project, which enhances my understanding and approach to capturing the lifestyle of my family, which has allowed me to consider the conceptual and contextual elements in a new way.

Personal Investigation – Statement of Intent

Within my personal investigation I want to explore my families lifestyle and the interventions within this, with specific focus on my grandparents. I decided to capture my grandparents’ as they were raised during the 1940’s where the ideology of a traditional family existed, this will allow me to see if their lifestyle now reflects their lifestyle back in the 1940’s. A traditional family during this time was considered a structure which consists on a man and women, who are usually husband and wife, who have one or more biological or adopted children after they have been wedded. It also looks at the role of religion and spirituality within the family structure, and how it influences a families life style. In addition, within a traditional family during the 1940’s it was considered a social norm for the wife of a family to be a house wife and the husband to provide within the family, outlining gender stereotype’s within the family structure. Within this project I intended to capture imagery in the style of documentary photography, following the art movement of photo realism, in order to accuratly capture the life style of my grandparents.

For my first photoshoot; I believe it is necessary to explore my grandparents past and try and gain an understanding of their lifestyle when they were younger. In order to achieve this I intended to explore their photo archives of old photographs and documents they have stored at their house, whilst interviewing them asking about stories and meanings behind their archival material. This will give me an in-depth understanding of their lifestyle and will enrich my investigation with valuable detail about my grandparents which can influence the way in which I explore their current lifestyle.

One major aspect of their lifestyle is holiday seasons; every Christmas my grandparents will come down to my house as we celebrate Christmas, exposing me to their lifestyle. As a family we sit around the table and eat a traditional Christmas meal, dress smart and part take in activities such as watching the Queen’s speech every year. I intended to capture this to explore my grandparents lifestyle within big family events, as well as showing how their lifestyle has influenced their descendants.

My third photoshoot will capture my grandparents lifestyle in a naturalistic way through producing candid photographs. I intended to follow my grandparents around for a day capturing specific tasks that they do within the day, such as house chores, hobbies etc. This will give me an understanding of what their day to day life is like and how their upbringing has influenced this. In addition, I will also look at producing a video which captures this which work alongside this set on imagery, I intended to overlap this with audio of each grandparent explaining what their upbringing was like in terms of lifestyle.

For my final photoshoot I do not have a set idea on what I want to capture. I plan to capture a significant area of their lifestyle which I have not yet explored, in order to showcase a holistic view of their lifestyle. Ideally, I am wanting to capture more naturalistic imagery but may turn to artificial staged family photographs to showcase this. I believe after looking through my family archives I will have more of an understanding of what I am wanting to capture for this photoshoot.

Personal Investigation – Inital Research and Ideas

Mind Map:

This mind map explores different ideas which I would consider to be my main focus for my person investigation. With each idea made below I tried to link them back to the overall themes of Occupation and/or Liberations, as those themes are still the project title. Personally, I wanted to come away from looking at the occupation of Jersey, due to me doing it for such a long time, exploring different elements. I took the word Occupation and Liberation and looked at synonyms which allowed me to respond to the words in a more contemporary and artistic way, as well as ensuring I would be able to conduct multiple photoshoots to produce strong imagery relating back to the themes. My exploration is shown below:

Mood Board:

Action Plan:

Moving forward I would like to create a repose to the themes of occupation and liberation by exploring my family, more specifically my grandparents. I have decided to choose my family as I have a personal attachment to the subject and I believe I will be able to produce stronger outcomes, in a conceptual and contextual sense, as I have that bond with my subjects which allows them to be more open. With regards to looking at my grandparents I would like to look at lifestyle and how their upbringing in the 1940’s has effected their lifestyle, with specific looks at gender roles, family structure and religion. These three areas are the main influencing factors on their lifestyle, however when I look further into their past I am sure that other elements will make themselves present which I can also include in this investigation. I have decided that I would like to look through family archives to gain an understanding of their lifestyles before I was born, and conduct photoshoots which showcase their lifestyle now, allowing a comparison to be made of the past to the present.