For my personal study I am going to show the narrative of my childhood and the events that have happened in it. The main event that I am going to focus on is my parents divorce and how that affected me and my little brother. I am going to incorporate other family members that similarly took the role of parenting during the time of the divorce. I have decided to do this for my personal study because its personal story that made me the individual I am today. I have learnt a lot through seeing what the effects of divorce can have on an adult but also a child being me. I now live with my mum so most of my personal study is going to focus on her and how she has had to understand and adapt to the rules of also being a dad. I do occasionally see my dad so I will also use pictures of him throughout my personal study.
The people I have chosen to photograph are my family members. I have decided to use old photos from albums
- For my first shoot I have been to the studio and decided I am going to take a photo of my family members. I took small passport photos that I had found and using the lighting set up in the studio photographed images that may have been a bit tampered with due to it being so old. I have examples below of the images I have taken:
These are images of my parents.
For my next shoot I am going to continue to look at archival images but include other family memebers like my aunty and uncle. I am including this because I used to stay there all the time and they took on the roles of looking after me when my parents were busy so I have always looked at them both as being my second parents.
As my study goes on I am going to incorporate old pictures and new pictures of my parents and aunties and uncles. Therefore I am going to take images of my family members singly again , make them look like passport photos. On an app I have on my phone I am going to experiment with different colours and making small boarder around the images. I am going to look at different photographers and take some examples of their work and try and incorporate it into my photographs. As I take art A- Level I am going to try and bring in some drawn elements onto my images.
I would also like within some of the image I take to create a distorted like image. I want to do this because I want it to reflect with the narrative that I am going for and reflect how I saw the time of their divorce. An example of an image I would like to say influenced my style is below: