review AND reflect

For my personal study under the topic OCCUPATION VS LIBERATION I have chosen to photograph a range of things covering objects, portraits and some landscape work. During the past few months we have covered a range of tools and skills including using Lightroom and InDesign when creating our final outcomes for the Zines. When having gone and done a photo shoot we have been told to go through a selection process on Lightroom which would have included staring them out of 1-5, flagging them, color coding them and then most people would have narrowed down to about 10 images. From those 10 images we would then have to experiment with them. This could be changing the lighting settings, to changing the color of the image to sometimes just cropping the images. We have learned how to use the studio lighting and how to set them up to make our images look professional. Additionally, we have also learned how to photograph in different types of light, for instance the bunkers had low lighting so we had to adjust so that our images didn’t look blurry or too dark.

This is what the selection process would have looked like.

The areas I have enjoyed personally going out to photograph have been portraits because i think a lot can be interpreted from a single image. The people I have chosen to photograph have been people close to me weather that be friends or family. The topic in this module that lead me to wanting to continue with portraits was ‘Home Sweet Home.’ Some photographers i have looked at are Sian Davey and Masahisa fukase. These two photographers drew my attention to the most due to them photographing their family members. I liked their work also because it showed a real connection to their families. Each image has a different story with either really vibrant colors or really dull colors. The lighting in the images as well have an effect on the way we interrupt them, for instance with more light could indicate a happier story, an image full of darkness would probably have a more gloomy interpretation. I like the way portraits look and when having had a couple go’s at photographing for instance Joan I could tell that she wasn’t just some ordinary person she had a story to tell.

The images above are the sort of images I am going to incorporate into my personal study. I will look at photographic archive images from when my parents were younger and include images of their growing up process. I am doing this because our living conditions were very different as my parents are from a rural area in Madeira. My parents got divorced when i was 11 but the actual process took over 4 years. In my personal study i am going to show the development of their divorce and show what effect it had on the people around them, myself included. I will mainly use portrait based images but might include a couple of valued objects that they gave to each other during the time of their marriage.

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