time period : 1880-1920s
Key characteristics/ conventions : Pictoralism was born out of the desire to have photography accepted as an art form, as such the photographs were made to look more like paintings. Alot of influence from romanticism and various painting movements. Use of allegorical subject matter. Heavily stylized.
Artists associated: The vienna camera club (Heinrich Kuhn, Hans Watcek, Hugo Henneberg) , The brotherhood of the linked ring (H P Robinson), Photo-secession (Frank Fugene, F Holland Day, Clarence H White, Gertrude Kasebier), Sally Mann
Key works:

Methods/ techniques/ processes: Vaseline on lens, chiaroscuro, autochromes
Time period: Started in 1840s
Key characteristics/ conventions : Realistic photography in retaliation to pictorial-ism. Capturing realities of contemporary life synonymous with the depressive era. Documentary photography.
Artists associated: Walker Evans, Paul Strand, Alfred Stieglitz
Key works:

Methods/ techniques/ processes: SLR, modern glass, small aperture.