Personal Study Concepts

-Amition, the idea that Jersey is restricing for young people these days, like how in the occupation you had to deal with what you had on the island, there was no way you could leave to go to the mainland.

-Identity, jersey again is a small place, views on the island can be very outdated people are stuck in their old ways, especially the older generation those who experience much more hardship than us.

-Voice, exploring how much of a voice the younger generation have, do they vote, do the older generation feel like we should have a say, do they think we are mature enough to know what the island needs.

-Security, during the war houses were where people felt most secure. Myself, I feel most safe at my mums house rather than my dads its more familiar and homely to me. Recent things such as the Grouville rape have made me more inclined to stay at home especially now that is gets so dark so early.

-Choice, there is any option in Jersey now i’m writing my personal statement for university because there is nothing I want to do that involves staying in Jersey, compared to the UK there are very little apprenticeships, the majority of work is within the finance industry, there are no universities on island and there is only one non fee-paying school that offers A-levels.

-Wealth, in my option Jersey is extremely money orientated. The ever growing finance sector, the tax heaven it offers for the ultra-rich, the constant supply of new accommodation. All these fail Jersey’s natural environment, for instance the new development at West Quay has caused pollution to the marina. More and more housing, offices, mansions are being built on our island yet the government are taking years to decide where to build the new hospital.

-Democracy, our government/states formation is complex and confusing, when I voted for the first time I was confused by the amount of people I was voting for, in St Brelades there are several people running for constable but in some parishes there is only one person who runs and they are automatically given the place this isn’t democratic in any way it seems corrupt to me.

-Separation, my parents have been divorced ever since I was little and I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a struggle, the main reason for this is my step-mum we never really got on. having two everything is now normal to me but it forced me to make decisions other kids didn’t have to make. My mum took the divorce the worst and I noticed as a young kid she was going through emotional distress.

-Sleep, as a kid I used to dread going to bed, i would have endless nightmares. Now I can’t wait to sleep it’s what I look forward to the most. I want to explore how different people have different experiences of sleep and how it can be a struggle for one personal but a joy for others, this can come with age or life events.

-Water, I have this phobia of deep sea and the unknown of whats beneath me. I don’t like fish coming close to me, in fact I just don’t like fish at all. I think the thing that scares me the most about the sea is the fact their is so much of it, many areas that haven’t even been discovered yet, the possibility of unknown animals is dawning. Even in a closed off swimming pool I get panicked about a potential shark. The biggest problem I have with this is that I love swimming it’s always been my best sport but only when its in a pool full of other people.

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