Occupation Zine

Screenshot of the settings of my zine

When creating this zine, I had to think specifically the layout and order of my images as I wanted them to tell the story of the occupation through pictures. So I started it off with montages relating to the time during the occupation then slowly moving on to what was left behind after we liberated, so the people and the objects and I paired up objects that related to an individual to help tell their story of terror. For my front cover I found a quote when visiting the archive that I liked so I photographed it and then later decided to use it as my front cover, as it helps set up the zine with meaning and allows you to really think about those lost when you are looking through the images. Then on the back cover a montage of different images that were taken during the occupation to give people an understanding of what the soldiers conditions where liked. After printing my zine, I put together a small montage of people who survived the occupation of lost their lives and printed it out on acetone paper and places it in the centre of my zine, as those people are the centre purpose of my zine, as it is a piece of remembrance.

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