Reviewing and Reflecting

The theme I enjoyed most over the course of this unit was probably portraiture as it was always varied and we covered a lot of different ways of approaching portraits. For example I did some research on contemporary photographer OLGAÇ BOZALP along with historic photographer Ernest Badoux. Despite being from two very different time periods, Baudoux and Bozalp still photograph their subjects in a similar way. Both photographers incorporate the subject’s home/background in their photos, this can be seen more in the Bozalps however it is still evident in Badoux’s photos as you can decide what class the person/person is in through looking at the background and their gestures in the photos. I also enjoyed taking photos of Bob Le Sueur and hearing about his experiences. It was a good way to experiment with trigger flashes and photographic equipment in the studio.

Bob Le Sueur Example

Another historic photographic technique that I found interesting what the use of Autochrome in the 20th century. The first practicable method of colour photography was the autochrome process, invented in France by Auguste and Louis Lumière. Best known for their invention of the Cinématographe in 1895, the Lumières began commercial manufacture of autochrome plates in the early 20th century. This was especially interesting as Jersey Photographer Emile Guiton began experimenting with it early on, and it is strange to recognise the landscapes in some of his photos. Such as the image below which was taken well over a hundred years ago in a forest near where I live.

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Occupation vs. Liberation. Overview of what we have been doing and working on in this unit:

Research 1: SJ Photographic Archive
Research 2: Artists references
Essay 1: Whose Arcvive is it anyway?
HW 1: Family archives/ photo-albums
Photo-shoot 1: Bunkers – school trip
Photo-shoot 2 & 3: Bunkers – independent
Experiment 1: Crop / Colour / B&W
Experiment 2: Photo-montage / composite
Zine: Research and Planning
Zine: Design and Layout
Zine: Printing and Bound
Feedback: –
Research 1: Artists References – Historical
Research 2: Artists References – Contemporary
Research 3: Jersey Archive
Research 4: Family History
Photo-shoot 1: Jersey War Tunnels
HW-Assignment 1: Environmental and Candid portraits
HW-Assignment 2: Establishing and Detail Shots
Research: Occupation babe
Studio-shoot 2: Occupation babes
Experimentation: 3 variations of 3 images
Feedback: –
Overall attainment for this set of assessments based on the sum of all assessments
Research 1: Historical context: Still-life
Research 2: Analysis: Still-life painting
Research 3: Emile F. Guiton and Autochromes
Research 4: Contemporary practice: Still-life
Studio-shoots: Objects/ Still-life
Experimentation: Objects/ Still-life
Extension: Food Substitutes
HW-Assignment 3: Exterior and Interior
Zine: Research & Planning
Zine: Design & Layout
Zine: Printing and Bound

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