Zine Objects and Portraits – Final Design


To evaluate, having my final outcomes as a dos a dos layout, meant I could successfully showcase my war images and my home images under the same categories of occupation and liberation, whilst being able to showcase the relationship between objects. To achieve the dos a dos I simply glued the back pages of each zine together to create the effect, thus I have an overall zine which is two different zines. I believe my design has strong conceptual representations which clearly showcase my intended narrative. The layout for each page has been carefully thought out and justified as to why the spread is how it is, showcasing my ability to successfully place images into a clear sequence to showcase an intended narrative. I have been able to show my experimentation process when creating the zine, which shows my ability to critically analyse my work and reject ideas which may not be successful. Overall, I believe I have created a strong photographic zine which showcase my intended narrative through my strongest imagery from the part of the occupation and liberation project.

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