ZINE research

What is a zine?

A Zine is a self- published or individually produced booklet, which can be made by physically sticking, cutting and gluing images and pages together or using InDesign to help plan your zine using a computer then printing it out. Zines have been around since approximately 1776 when Thomas Paine self-published Common Sense and used it as an instrument in promoting the ideas that contributed to the US War for Independence.

For example some popular artists who use zine to express their work are: Lorenzo Vitturi, Sam Ivin, Rita Puig-Serra Costa.

Lorenzo Vitturi

Lorenzo Vitturi are clearly presented to have consistently used more bright and vibrant colours in the zine, the zine images are fairly unusual creating different shapes and colour by combining different objects together to portray a certain effect and feel.

Sam Ivin

Sam Ivin has a more consistent style that he used within his zine, using portraits of people and editing them to have white strikes and marks across their eyes key facial features. this creates a deeper meaning and overall representation of individualism.

Rita Puig-Serra Costa

Rita Puig-Serra Costa presents a more abstract and original sense to the zines, consisting of various sizes and colours, including portraits, objects and landscapes. this provides a wide range of aspects to the zine producing a different feeling and personal response each time you turn a page.

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