The camera setting for the shoot when the lights had been turned off would be on manual mode, this is because if the lights are on there would have been reflections in the image. The ISO for this was on 100, the white balance is on daylight and aperture is on F/16 and the shutter speed is on 0.5 sec to 0.8 sec. (depending on the reflection of each objects)

Birds Eye View Lighting Setup:
This is the set up for the birds eye view images. The camera is placed on a tripod looking down at the table. To produce these images we had to place the object in the center of the white sheet of paper and put 2 flash lights either side of the table so the image has just the correct amount of lighting. The flash lights are normally used to photograph images, documents, books and newspapers. The camera setting for this particular shoot is manual mode, the ISO setting was on 100 and the white balance was on daylight, Apeture on F/16, the shutter speed was on 1/125- 1/200 depending on reflection of each object. Flash heads set to power output: 2.0.