Zine Layout Idea

For my zine layout, I want to incorporate text into my photos to give it a simple and minimalist aesthetic.

Final Idea

For my front page I wanted to place this image of a door to symbolise opening up to the zine and stepping and entering into the zine.

My narrative for my zine is age and decay, so throughout my zine, it will show images of fortifications that are aging and decaying. I also wanted to touch upon the hard work and torture for the workers who worked on these bunkers.

I decided to use German in my title because it ties in with the German occupation and it stands out. The title means “Stages of Decay”, as my zine is filled with photos of decayed fortifications.

Additionally, I put the words decay and forced to show the conditions and abuse of the workers and also the decay of the fortifications. I also wanted to put an image of the workers next to a fortification to show what they have made.

Moreover, I put the names of the counties where the slave workers were from in order to show the severity and how may different countries and people that suffered.

Lastly, I wanted to put an image of the war tunnels at the end of my zine to symbolise the end of there journey and almost showing a way to get out of the abuse the workers suffered.

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