WWII objects studio photography

During school and lessons I went into the studio and set up some objects ready for a photo shoot. This was fun and interesting as the objects I was handling were old therefore the texture was different to an object from this year.

I photographed a wide variety of photos from old newspapers and magazines to a helmet and a crystal radio set.

I did 3 photo shoots within the studio, one with papers and documents, one with the objects, and a third photo shoot with the objects but with a colored background.

Here are some of the photos from my document photo shoot.

I really like this photo as it has two different versions of the JEP, which shows the contrast between the two with the texture, color and size.
I also really enjoy this photo as it is just one magazine taking the main frame with the golden V being slightly lit up with the flash from the lights that were set up.

Now here are a couple photos from my object shoot.

I think that this is my favorite photo from this shoot as it shows the age of the helmet, with the rough texture on the surface and the same with the ration box. I like the way I balanced and angled the helmet and the box, as it shows the depth of the objects and creativity.
I am really pleased with the outcome of this photo as the light behind really emphasizes the crystal radio set. I like that the color of the radio is dull and simplistic but creates such a dramatic effect which really draws your attention to it.
The photo is so clear that you can see a layer of dust on the radio, which shows how old this object is.

Here is my final set of images from my object shoot but with a color background.

I really like the outcome of this photo as it has both soft and sharp edges, with the edge of the bandage tins and the metal container along with the edge where the color changes being soft. Whereas the metal objects provide a sharp line and shape. With having two metal shapes the lines overlap and go past each other it creates a 3D look with nice dimensions.
I also like the way that this image turned out, with the the bright colored background really exaggerating the crystal radio set. What I like about this photo, is that you can see the age of this piece of equipment.
I like this photo as it has a mix of light and dark areas, with nothing being too over or under exposed within the photo.

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