Still-life studio shoot – INSTRUCTIONS


  • Each student must have been in the studio at least once experimenting with coloured backdrops.
  • Show experimentation with the above images using cutout figures from archive photographs as a response to Rafal Milach work: The First March of Gentlemen – see this blog post here under week 6
  • Have a folder with 10-12 images of both PORTAITS and OBJECTS (including any montages – if relevant) in high-res TIFF files (4000 pixels on long edge) ready for zine design and layout first lesson Mon 21 Oct.
  • Select 2 montages as final prints and save in the folder below. You can choose any montages that you have made from LANDSCAPE, PORTRAIT or OBJECTS modules. If you have a paper collage, then photograph it in the studio to make it digital. All image files saved as high-res TIFF (4000 pixels)

M:\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\PRINTING\A2\A3 Montages

Still-life Studio Shoot:

Each group of two students work on one station each ie. Continuous Light and Flash Lights and swap halfway through

It takes more time to work with Continuous lights so it may be that each group needs to visit studio twice – which is okay as the studio is booked every lesson the erst of this week and next week too.

You can choose to photograph each object individually or group together several objects for a more complex still life arrangements.

Technical stuff – just in case someone has changes the settings.

Continuous Lights – photograph objects three dimensionally

Camera setting: Manual Mode
ISO: 100
White Balance: Daylight
Aperture: F/16
Shutter: 0.5 sec to 0.8 sec (depending on reflection of each object)
Lights in room must be switched off to avoid relfections

Flash Lights – photograph images, documents, books, newspapers, etc

Camera setting: Manual Mode
ISO: 100
White Balance: Daylight
Aperture: F/16
Shutter: 1/125-1/200 (depending on reflection of each object)
Flash heads set to power output: 2.0
Use pilot light for focusing

NB: At the end of the day – or if someone from media has booked the studio in between lessons – move still-life table away from backdrop and set up again for next lesson.

Uploading images from shoot:

Students can decide to use their own card in camera or use shared card – 10 mins before lessons ends take card out and upload images in folder on computer.

You must take an image of how the lights was set up and annotate, key light / fill light / back light (if used)

Those students who are not in the studio work independently in class editing images from shoot and produce blog posts as per instructions here:

3. EDITING: Upload and process images from photo-shoot using Lightroom and make a rough edit of 8–10 images 

4. EXPERIMENTING: Show experimentation with different adjustments/ techniques/ processes in Lightroom/ Photoshop appropriate to intentions. Produce at least 3 different variations of the same still-life with 3 different images.

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