Artist Study – Laura Letinsky

When Letinsky first started out in photography, she was a portrait photographer, however as she matured through her photography, she moved onto working with still life, which is what made her famous. Laura Letinsky's still life photographs are describes as "elegant, subdued and gently but relentlessly off-putting, her large-format photographs have an arresting presence that seems out of step with time. At the same time, though, art history suffuses her meticulously constructed scenes as fully as the softened daylight does the sparse interiors she photographs." 

Letinsky's photos are reminiscent to the famous Dutch still life's, however they include "freshness, ripeness and decay." However what makes Letinsky's still lifes different to the Dutch still lifes are that Letinsky's is modernised by featuring modern brands such as styrophone cups and coca cola cans. They also contrast the Dutch still lifes and the Dutch focused on wealth and status, as Letinsky's are a more raw and down-to-earth version of still lifes that every social class has/understands.

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Laura Letinsky's photos are for the audience to presume human activity, without the presence of any poeple in her work. Her imperfections that she creates in her photographs such as chewed food, crumpled napkins/tablecloths and spilt glasses create an image that the audience is able to percieve as a personal situation such as someone leaving in a rush. By adding a personal touch to her work, Letinsky is able to make her viewers emotionally attatched. 

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