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This is one of Pieter Claesz’s most iconic pieces simply titled ‘Vanitas Still Life’ featuring a very traditional vanitas composition and some harsh directional lighting.

Due to the intensity of the image it is unlikely that it is entirely lit using the single candle and thus is likely naturally lit with some additional warmth provided by the candle. The image contains harsh contrast resembling chiaroscuro lighting from left to right. the chosen color palette is quite warm possibly due to the age of the pigments. There is some prominent use of directional strokes visible on the larger rounded surfaces of the painting, this was likely to show the light interacting with the various textures in the image. The main 3D forms of the painting are the candlestick and the skull on either side of the composition with the skull being used as a symbol of mortality as well as potentially the candle as it is this finite, flickering flame destined to eventually go out, its transience may be a metaphor for the human life. This theme of transience also extends to the flower shown in the painting. The quill and ink-pot shown within the image may potentially represent the vain pursuits of man.

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