Evacuation during the occupation?

My grandfathers Story of how he got evacuated at the start of World War 2:

  • In 1940, My granddad was evacuated to Bolton at the age of just 5 years old, along with his sister, mother, father, and other family members.
  • His was exported to the South of England on a coal boat, from here they went on various trains to Bolton.
  • When they arrived they were bulleted in a warehouse with other families which had also been evacuated, a couple months later my grandfather family were put in a mansion with again other families – the other families included people from Guernsey, and Jersey.
  • Later on, Other family members (relations) joined them, these included his grandmother, Auntie, Uncle and Cousins. However In 1941, Jeans my Granddads sister died of pneumonia and was buried in Bolton
  • My Grandfathers Father worked as a fireman in Manchester, Whereas his mother worked in an aircraft factory. This meant my grandad was looked after by his grandmother.
  • He went to school in Horwitch, where he stayed until 1945, however when he returned he went to New Street school (St Pauls)
  • At the end of the war in 1945, Mr granddad and his family returned to jersey minus his father, who remained in England.
  • My Granddad also served in the army from 1951-75.
  • My Uncle Cyril was award the MC Which stood for the Military Cross for clearing a pathway through a minefield, he was a Captain in the Army.

Evacuation Meaning:

Evacuation means leaving a place. During the Second World War, many children living in big cities and towns were moved temporarily from their homes to places considered safer, usually out in the countryside. The British evacuation began on Friday 1 September 1939. It was called ‘Operation Pied Piper’.

History of Evacuation:

  • The first official evacuation was at the start of the Second World War, this was deemed to be necessary and the experience has lived through the people were the centre of the evacuation.
  • The people only packed what they need for example in the Second World War this is what they could take: Gas Mask in case, a change of Underclothes, Night Clothes, Plimsolls, spare Stockings or Socks, Toothbrush, Comb, Towel, Soap, Face Cloth, Handkerchiefs and a Warm Coat.

Most Successful Evacuations in the world are:

  • 14 million – 1998 Yangtze River floods, China. …
  • 3 million – 1940s evacuation of children during WWII, Germany. …
  • 3.5 million – 1939 Operation Pied Piper, U.K. …
  • 3 million – 2005 Hurricane Rita, U.S. …
  • 3 million – 1999 Hurricane Floyd, U.S. …
  • 2.5 million – 1945 evacuation of East Prussia. …
  • 2.5 million – 2016 Hurricane Matthew, U.S.

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