Definition and Origin:
As a result of this trade with far-flung places and the introduction of exotica, Dutch artists of the 17th Century became renowned for being greatly concerned with what Kahr refers to as a: ‘close scrutiny of the natural world.’[1] This, combined with their preoccupation with perspective and the study of light, provided the basic elements of Still Life painting. The term had come into general usage in mid-century, Still Life being the carefully composed portrayal of inanimate objects. Living creatures were in fact allowable as long as they were incidental to the main theme. Specialisation was a notable feature of Dutch 17th century art; consequently, Still Life - itself a particular aspect of art - further diversified into different categories.
Analysis of a Still Life Painting

‘Breakfast with Crab’ by Willem Claeszoon Heda (1594-1680)
This scene would be described as a small breakfast or ‘ontbijtje’ which is a particular genre in the Dutch 17th century still life painting scene. This could also be described as a vanitas painting as it features dead animals. Holland is by the sea, which makes seafood a lot more accessable. Seafish such as shanker crabs and lobsters connote that a person is wealthy, as they were a highly desireable food. Although, the death within the paintings have an indexical meaning that wealth is transient and won't last forever. In the 17th century, some people did have fish for breakfast, however a vast majority mainly had bread and cheese, which carries on into the 21st century.
The bread in the painting is also a signifier for wealth, as white bread was associated with the wealthy. The less fortunate (the poor) ate either rye bread or porridge.
The peeled lemon is actually a symbol that represents deceptive appearence. It is to show that although a lemon is beautiful on the outside, it is sour and malicious on the inside. It is a warning to its viewers that although some men and women can be beautiful and seem innocent on the outside, there can be corruption and harm from within.