Joan Tupley – photo shoot edits

After looking through my photos that I took of Joan I took my best images and edited them so I could see how I could improve them to get them at a better standard.

With this photo, I added an overlay on top of the photo which created a grainy effect over Joan, but then using Photoshop, I took away the grained overlay from over her body and face. I like this effect as it draws your attention and gives a softer effect on Joan. To edit the photo further I decreased the light and slightly under exposed the photo to give it a softer and darker tone which gave a nice effect towards the photo.
I really like this photo as the broken white border gives an acid or bleached effect on an old photo. I added a lighter tone around Joan to really make her stand out. When making the original photo of Joan black and white, I made her features and finer lines darker by increasing the clarity. I like this effect as you can really see the texture and details of her face. I had to be really careful with adding the clarity as too much would’ve over exaggerated the whole image.
Overall I’m happy with this photo
This is my best edit of Joan. I used my best original photo of Joan and slightly edited the photo to make her features stand out and make the photo clearer. Then using Photoshop I added a photo of the Union Jack over the top by changing the opacity levels to create this effect.

I came up with this idea as it symbolizes the union and the freedom from WWII. This fits in with the topic of liberation, as Joan is a survivor from the Island who was liberated, and the Union Jack adds to the liberation theme as it was flown freely during Liberation day.

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