Joan Tupley – Photo Shoot

Here are some of the original photos from the shoot I did with Joan Tupley

I really like this photo as it has a darker and duller border around the whole picture, but around Joan there is a much lighter backdrop around Joan. I really like this effect as it really brings your attention to the main portrait
This is my favorite photo from the shoot as there is the background which has a gradient and reclining colour from an intense white to a dull light grey. With having Joan in sharp focus you really are drawn to her. With having Joan central and in sharp focus really outlines
I like this photo as hands and the condition hands are in can tell a thousand words. What I can see Joan’s hands is that they have lived through a tough time, but still kept clean and neat. If I could change one thing about this photo it would be to have a bigger lens to zoom more into the hands of Joan to really show the details and textures of her hands.

I really enjoyed doing this photo shoot with Joan, as she had a lovely, caring yet resilient character and she purveyed this through the way she held herself and posed towards the camera.

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