-Jersey’s repository for a#rchival material like maps, photos and documents.
-It was formed in 1993.
-they have the occupation and alien cards from the occupation.
the documents are contained in three different vaults all at different chilling temperatures.
-The documents are often contained in acid proof boxes.

This is the alien card that my great- great granadfather was issued . He was the original Le Clezio from my father’s side who came over from France.

This is my Grandfather’s occupation card. All my relates between my great-great grandfather have occupation cards.
The War Tunnels

-Builts during the occupations by a slave labour, the majority were french, Russian or Polish.
-There week voluntied skilled paid workers.
-Originally built as a vast tunnel system.
-1943 it was converted into a casulty cleariing operation in an allied invaison of Europe/ emrergency hospital.