Photoshoot of Occupation Survivors.

As a follow up to the interview with Hinualt and Joyce, we were given the opportunity to photograph the pair in the studio.



For this image I wanted Hinault to appear to be remembering the past. During the interview he mentioned that the Occupation was something he now found ‘hard to remember’ but he could ‘never forget’ it. This is something that I wanted the portrait to show.

I also knew when I took the photo that I would later use Lightroom to make the image black and white. This was to mimic the colourless images that would have been taken during the 1940s, before colour photography was available.


The above image shows Hinault looking off to the side of the camera. I asked him to do this as I wanted to create a distant, far-off look on his face. This was to show that Hinault was lost in thought, remembering the Occupation. The look of content on his face suggests that he is remembering on the more pleasant experience from that time.

A second feature of the image is the choice I made to make the image black and white. I did this for two reasons. The first being that I wanted to make the image resemble those from the 1940s. The second reason, was to give the image a slight bitter-sweet feeling. While Hinualt’s face shows that he may be reminiscing a positive memory from the Occupation, the monochrome look of the image as a whole adds a sense of sadness that contrasts this. This represents that idea that while there were the occasional good thing that happened, the five year occupation was a tragic time for the people of Jersey and the survivors now find it difficult to think about without tearing up, something that both Hinualt and Joyce demonstrated during the interview.


I took this image in the studio using a shutter speed of 1/25secs, an aperture of F/16 and an ISO of 100. Soft boxes were used to illuminate Hinualt’s face and prevent shadows using a light from behind.


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