Hedley Hinault and Joyce De La Haye (née Blanchet)

who are occupaton survivors?….

Two survivors of the occupation, Hedley Hinault and Joyce De La Haye, came in and shared their stories with us. Joyce was only a young child going to school so she told us about that, while Hedley was a teenager working on a farm and told us about the time he got a German soldier drunk. Joyce was rather shy at first, but gradually got more comfortable and I managed to chat to her one-to-one over tea and biscuits. Hedley however was rather confident and also very cheeky as he said whilst we were taking photos “my hands arent usually here, they’re usually on her wasit” .

These are my notes I made whilst they were talking:

My Images: 3 B&W, 3 Creative, 3 Colour

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