Battery Lothringen

Batterie Lothringen was a World War II coastal artillery battery in Saint Brélade, Jersey, named after the SMS Lothringen, and constructed by Organisation Todt for the Wehrmacht[1] during the Occupation of the Channel Islands. The first installations were completed in 1941, around the same time as the completion[? of the nearby Battery Moltke, in St. Ouen.
We visited Battery Lothringen as a class in July, where we spent a few hours there and took photos, we also took a tour of the bunker inside and explored into it.

The batterie site is located at the end of Noirmont Point, a rock headland which overlooks St. Aubin’s Bay, Elizabeth Castle, and the harbours of Saint Helier. It was a part of the Atlantic Wall system of coastal fortifications, and most of the concrete structures remain today. The 3rd Battery of Naval Artillery Battalion 604 were stationed here.[

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