EDITING – War Tunnels

For the majority of the shoot I adjusted the white balance using the color temperature due to the warm lighting within the tunnels. Due to the low lighting I had to increase the exposure on the a lot of the images, this took some creativity to avoid excessive grain such as emphasizing the highlights while keeping the shadows similar to their original values in order to better show shape of the objects while keeping grain to a minimum, the exception to this being any rooms that were well lit in which I brought down the highlights while increasing contrast and lowering the color temperature in order to keep a consistent feel across the shoot.

In this image i made use of the reflections in order to create an almost kaleidoscopic looking image. This is an example where the shadows were kept to a similar value as a grain reduction measure.

Here i experimented with different color options for the image such as leaving the original white balance, turning the image to black and white (due to the greater tonal control using the black and white settings) or lowering the color temperature and lightly adjusting the tint. While I like the original color balance of the images and how the deep reds of the desk interact with the lighting, I have decided that I prefer the final edit in which I adjusted color temp while keeping the image in color.

This was an image which I had originally discarded due to glare caused by the glass however i decided to use it due to the color and composition of the images. in my first edit i enhanced the greens while increasing the saturation of some of the smaller details such as the red on the gauges. I like the composition of the image due to its strong geometry and high amount of detail. I also decided that the glare enhances the image and so I made it look less like a camera defect.

One thought on “EDITING – War Tunnels”

  1. Max: following on from our chat please update your blog and ensure that you introduce the topic / theme, and provide information about the Jersey Archives (and your experience there) as well as the War Tunnels.

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