Jersey Archive

Role of Jersey Archive:

the jersey archive was made to store documents and photographs from old time, and it mainly holds all aspects of the history of Jersey. And its considered the safest place to keep records and old documents as it has storage rooms made specifically for this reason.

With collections recognized by UNESCO, the Jersey Archive is the Island’s national repository holding records on all aspects of Jersey’s history. Researchers can use archive resources to trace their family history, the story of their house or street and to find out more about the German Occupation of Jersey during the Second World War.
Jersey Archive also holds the collections of the Channel Islands Family History Society.

The long term preservation and security of the records in there care is there highest priority. Since the Public Records (Jersey) Law was passed in 2002 the Jersey Archive has been the official repository for all archival records produced by public institutions.

Jersey Archive does also accept records from businesses, clubs, societies and individuals. These can be donated or deposited on long term long loan whereby ownership remains with the depositor. Once cataloged, documents are carefully packed in acid free materials and stored in the correct environmental conditions.

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Jersey Archive, as the official repository for the Island documentary heritage, can offer guidance, information and documents that relate to all aspects of the Island’s History

Personal Opinion

I personally enjoyed the school to the Jersey Archives as we got to see how they keep there documents safe, and we also got a closer look at there store rooms which were really interesting and how they kept there documents safe from rotting, insects etc.


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